Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Heaven Is For Real for Kids" by Todd & Sonja Burpo

 In a world where a lot of people have been understandably jaded by the harsh realities of life and where the faith of those who still subscribe to the existence of heaven and the afterlife is sometimes derided, this book is a breath of fresh air.  The simple story-telling that stems from a four year-old child's sweet, innocent experience speaks of unembelllished truth.  I believe Colton went to heaven and came back to earth to give us a glimpse of what awaits each and everyone of us in the hereafter because death is as much a part of this life as birth itself.

There is undeniably a spiritual perspective in this book that cannot be ignored.  Although this version is written for the children, it speaks to the adult reader in the same spiritual language.  Meeting his great grandfather and his sister that he never knew on this earth, Colton gives us something to hope for - that after this life, we will see again the loved ones we lost.  His description of the conditions in heaven is in many ways in conformity with my own beliefs about what heaven is like- the joy, the singing, the beauty and harmony among everyone, but most of all, the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and their all-pervading love.  Colton also alluded to some basic gospel truths - that God gave us His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, to be our Savior and Redeemer, that when we exercise faith in Him, follow His examples and commandments, we can return to Him and Heavenly Father.  Colton also speaks of the Holy Ghost as a member of the Godhead and His loving presence when we pray.

My faith in prayer is strengthened as Colton speaks of Jesus Christ sending him back to earth in answer to his father's prayer.  I am sure the earnestness of his father's pleading to the Lord is one of the reasons that made Colton's return to life possible.   Although not everyone is sent back to earth in response to a deep, abiding prayer, there is no discounting the fact that prayer, combined with a strong faith, has an immense power that the Lord, in His infinite mercy, has to grant what is asked.

This book will provide a wonderful teaching tool that will make a long-lasting spiritual imprint in young impressionistic minds.  The fact that it is a true story and not a fictional account of heaven makes it more meaningful because it is a testimony of a child, somebody other children can relate to.  To the adult reader, this book is a reminder that the honest and simple truths we have sometimes forgotten can still be found in the sweet and pure words of a child.  Heaven, with all its promised glory from a loving God,  is surely one of them.

I got this ebook for free, in exchange for an honest review, from

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