(At Lone Mountain Park)
Arrayed in waning rays of fire
From the sun's fading sheen,
The grayish earth, the desert's blooms
Beneath the dappled hills.
The brown- patched grass from winter's clasp,
Reclaiming greens of velvet patch;
As buds of Spring, in hues of gold
In rhythmic ancient dance unfold.
The undulating twists and turns,
The stars that loom above,
While shadows form and hail the night
As darkness firms its grasp.
The pallid, distant moon of May
Watches from its forlorn perch,
While whispered notes, in voiceless song
The breeze, in offering, makes.
A place serene, where souls can heal,
I walk its tranquil paths
And find a borrowed peace that calms
The aches of tortured heart!

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