Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Freedom of speech has always been the comfortable cover by which those on the left of the political spectrum tried to shield their twisted rhetoric when cornered.  Funny though, that when the same argument is used by those they disagree with, they vehemently denounce it and attribute such use of the same freedom as racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or any of those insulting labels that cut the thread of sound  and logical debate.  That is how they operate because a lot of times, they have no leg to stand on.

Case in point?  This melodrama of the NFA "taking a knee" that consumes the airwaves and every news outlet from coast-to-coast, from sea to shining sea!  Once again, the blame for the disrespectful actions against the flag and the National Anthem that these ungrateful, pompous "little men" who call themselves "athletes" have displayed before the recent NFL games, was conveniently shoved at the doorstep of President Trump.  True, he denounced their despicable action and called out the owners for their failure to keep their employees - yes, they are employees - toeing the line.  And yes, he did not mince words and called them a name that sparked another flame of controversy in this already volatile issue.  But for all intents and purposes, isn't that also an exercise of his First Amendment right?  Did he lose that right when he became president of the United States?  Is he less deserving of exercising free speech?  Did he forfeit this right, this freedom, because it is an issue he should refrain from commenting?  It is ludicrous to even consider an affirmative answer to these questions; yet, those who support some NFL members' contemptible action have forgotten that freedom is an expansive, equalizing medium, that no one, in this great country has a monopoly to it, that they cannot demand it while refusing to grant its use to those they do not agree with.  Prince  or vagabond, billionaire or ghetto dweller, learned or dumb, should possess the same capacity and right to the exercise of men's basic freedoms.

And so they take a knee!  But while I uphold their right to display to the world that inherent right, I feel they fail to understand that there is a time and place, as well as a right platform, to indulge in the exercise of such.    In their incessant desire to make a point against every word and action of a president they hate, they sacrificed their own honor and dignity as Americans and as role models to the young.  As they spitefully took a knee to a cause they thought they fully understand, of righting some law enforcement wrongs, perceived or otherwise, they cut to the core of the American soul.  For our flag, our anthem, is the soul, the spirit, and the heart by which America survives!  By taking a knee while the "Star-Spangled Banner" is being played,  by hiding in the shadows of their bunkers, they displayed a suffocating air of arrogance and ingratitude that trampled the graves of men and women of courage who gave the ultimate sacrifice to bequeath to them an enviable country where men are free.

Those athletes who took a knee and the owners who tolerate their disrespectful stance have been blinded by their millions.  They have forgotten where they came from and who brought them where they are.  They have traded disrespect and dishonor to the virtues only men of integrity uphold.  They have forgotten that the American flag, and the anthem that bespeaks of courage, hope, sacrifice, love of country,  and heroic deeds, is an echo from the hallowed  chambers of stalwart and greater men, present or long gone.

The men of the NFL have chosen to forget that those men whose noble sacrifice make up every thread and fiber of the American flag, once played another game, eerie as it was, where the applause did not come from an adoring crowd but from the deadly sound of bombs and the barrel of a thousand guns!  I imagine that those heroes, those men of uncommon valor, also  took a knee as they fall on a blood-drenched ground, not to protest the symbols of the country they love but for the honor of fighting for the freedoms of today's lesser men.

Men of the NFL, respect the flag and those who died for it!  For the country who gave you what you have, be the best men you could be!  STAND UP!!!

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