Saturday, June 1, 2024


Tuesday, May 30, 2024:  Our generation’s day of infamy!  I will never try to marginalize the horrific event of another day that brought America to its knees more than 80 years ago.  It was a catastrophe of a magnitude never before seen in the annals of American history and whose effect on the country and the world would forever be etched in pain in the hearts and minds of those who love this country.  It left an indelible mark that would never be erased because it was a thrust of pure evil in the heart of the nation; it was an onslaught of horror to the core of America; it was an assault of unconscionable treachery to a country who believed a declaration of intent still governed even in a world steeped in chaos. 

That was then, and this is now.  Two days ago, evil struck, once more, the heart of this nation.  Its poisonous arrow  was  plunged, deep and piercing, to the most tender compartment that housed its soul.  America writhed in pain!  In senseless agony it came crashing to the canvas of doubt and acrimony, indignation, loss of trust, outrage, and a bevy of other emotions that came to those who felt betrayed by a system created to protect them.  

A man, whose only crime is his passionate desire to MAGA, to return America to its glory days and make it the haven it used to be for those who live within its once glorious shores, became the sacrificial lamb of those whose evil designs have rendered them blind to the dictates of reason and the rule of law.  The man, declared guilty of “crimes” manipulated and contrived to fit the sinister designs of the well-connected and powerful, was laughed at, mocked, and maligned in the airwaves and news outlets around the country and the world.  His formidable and imposing personality, his love for the country he served with dedication and honor, his knack for fulfilling his declared promises, were detested by the self-aggrandized government mob that planned his disastrous fall from grace.  They vowed their scheme would not be thwarted at any cost, because the prize loomed large and promising in the scope of their immoral horizon:  America itself!

But America is more than,  even in his greatness,  this MAGA man!  America is you and me and the countless patriots who love and serve this country.  America is the farmer of brawn and energy,  the diligent restaurant waitress, the dedicated schoolteacher, the physicians and nurses who serve the sick and afflicted, the vendor, the truck driver, the mailman, the delivery person, and all of those in every work and profession that make this America the greatest country in the world.  America is home, a place where the heart dwells with those we love.  It is that piece of brown earth God bestowed upon us to protect and call our own.  And it is in this land, America,    where the flag that symbolizes its long-loved liberties must always fly proud and free.

Are we willing to just timidly acquiesce to those whose evil schemes will rob us of this country we love?  America, with its priceless freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, the country that was preserved for its rights and liberties by those who gave the ultimate sacrifice today and through the ages, the land that shaped our destinies as a people with its enviable blessings, is about to be snatched from our grasp by the destructive forces that are engineering our demise.  We are at the pivotal crossroad that will decide our final journey as a nation.  Are we equal to the task of preserving our heritage paid by the blood and tears of great Americans of valor and fortitude?

MAYDAY!   We are now in need of succor as a nation and we are issuing this distress call:  MAYDAY!   Citizens of America, come out from the stupor and apathy that bind the spirit of its vital power and fight to redeem what we have lost.  Yes, we have lost some battles, but through grit and determination empowered by our love for America, we will win the war! 

MAYDAY:  NOVEMBER 5, 2024 is the day we take this country back! VOTE!

MAGA! Bold and strong, roaring and decisive, resolute and tenacious, let us MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!   RED is our badge of courage;  VOTE RED and help in every effort to elect good  men and women to our government.

November 5, 2024:  The Day of Redemption for AMERICA and the MAGA MAN


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