Friday, June 24, 2011

"The Fight Of Our Lives", by William J. Bennett & Seth Leibsohn

The Fight of Our Lives

This book presents a bold and daring analysis of one of the most pressing issues we are faced today as Americans, one that threatens not only our national safety, but the values we hold dear as a country and as a people. The authors have brought into the open a serious problem that has been sidestepped and marginalized by our leaders and the left-wing media – the threat of radical Islam.

The authors expound on this threat through specific examples and in-depth evaluation of our prevailing attitude toward this religion. The terrorist attacks that are perpetrated by Islamic groups that hate America, especially on 9/11 that killed almost 3,000 people, are indicators of the grim reality that radical Islam is a problem we can no longer ignore.

Bennet and Leibsohn assessed the effects of the present administration’s tacit refusal to call terrorism by its proper name as well as its lackluster performance in investigating terrorist activities within our shores such as the Fort Hood massacre. They also mentioned the mixed messages presented by President Bush which started strong, condemning the evil of radical Muslim ideologies after the attack of 9/11, but became less vehement, less impassioned as he spoke of Islam as a “religion of peace” toward the latter part of his presidency. They cited many examples of President Obama’s appeasement attitude, from his trip to Islamic countries as his priority when he first ascended the presidency, saluting and bowing to Muslim leaders, and apologizing for America in his speeches before the Muslim world. His lack of valiant leadership in leading the war against Islamic terrorism is a serious blunder that places our country in a grave physical, political and moral peril.

The active role played by the far-left media in the attitude of appeasement and downplaying the threat of radical Islam to the United States as it infiltrates the impressionable in our society is a sad reality. As they perpetuate the fallacy of Islam being a “religion of peace”, they become an accessory to obscuring the true nature of the danger that is sweeping the different levels of our society. Stories of young Americans who become susceptible to the lure of Muslim radicalism become increasingly frequent.

The authors warned us against the enemy within as they also urged us to focus our awareness on the danger from without. They encouraged us to examine the patriotic and moral fibers that bind us as a nation and reminded us to ensure that we stand firm in the values and ideals on which our country was founded. They appealed to us to teach our children patriotism and inculcate in them a sense of national pride, educate them about our rich history as a people rather than leaving their learning solely with the stilted teachings of radical elements now in many schools that portrayed America as an evil nation. They reminded us about the founding generation that bred heroes and patriots, the ideals they lived by and how we could return to the America shaped by such men, men in the caliber of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. They maintained that it was through re-igniting our patriotic passion,  rediscovering our values, and rededicating ourselves to fighting and resisting evil by recognizing the true nature of the threat, by calling it by its proper name rather than hiding it within the veil of euphemism, that we could win the fight of our lives.

This book is an eye opening medium and I highly recommend it, especially to those who want to know the extent of Islamic threat to an apathetic society and what we can do to protect ourselves and those we love.

 I received this book free, in exchange for an honest review, from the publisher,

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